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Creating a Digital Space for Kids and Child-centric Businesses Online

Creating a Digital Space for Kids and Child-Centric Businesses Online

By our partners at .KiDS domains
Jan 4, 2024 • 4 min read

Services and products catering to kids is a multi-billion dollar market and expanding fast.  In 2023, the US kids' apparel market revenue hit more than US$52 billion dollars, according to Statista; and worldwide toy sales were valued at more than US$107 billion in 2022! It’s a massive market, and having proper online representation in the space is crucial for success.

Whether you’re selling children's clothing or designing new apps for kids, having a kid-focused website can be a great way to connect with your younger audiences and their families for many reasons; which is what we’ll cover in this article.


Creating Engagement

A dedicated children-friendly website can provide a virtual playground for younger demographics, utilizing bright colors and images to engage with young users. It’s a direct and easy way for kids to understand and interact with your brand, particularly for younger audiences 11 and under who are still some years away from email and social media platforms. The more fun and engaging you make your website, the more memorable it’ll become for your audience.

Parents often appreciate brands that also incorporate educational content for their kids, which can have a positive impact on the overall perception of your brand while also contributing to overall engagement. It’s worth considering how you can infuse both learning and entertainment into your website.


A child-centric website should be designed with safety in mind. While creating your website for kids, it’s important to keep the content appropriate and compliant with child online protection regulations. Kids don’t always understand what is age-appropriate for them, and parents want to ensure they’re only navigating to safe areas of the internet. If your website is tailored towards this demographic, make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions to create an age-friendly online environment for them.

Tip: Utilizing a .KiDs domain is a great way to signal safety to both kids and parents online. Domain owners are required to refrain from publishing inappropriate and illegal materials.

Brand Loyalty

Building on a kids-focused website today is a great way for businesses to foster lifelong brand loyalty among future generations. Think about those brand names that left a lasting impact on you as a child, the ones you’re still excited to talk about today, like Barbie or M&Ms!

In today's digital age, a virtual space just for kids may be part of an important generational branding strategy to foster enduring connections with your audiences. You need to start now to secure a place in the memories and conversations of the next generation. This is how true brand recognition and loyalty is established!

.KiDS Domains

Pulling all three of these advantages together into one package to amplify your kids-focused brand or business is the .KiDS domain extension. By utilizing .KiDS in your online presence, you’re signaling to all audiences that you have a fun and engaging website designed for kids that’s also family friendly and safe. It’s perfect for any business that contains content oriented towards younger demographics.

Do you have a business idea or an online app service for kids?  .KiDS, which launched in November 2022 , is a dedicated online space of higher trust and protection for kids, and the only child-centric TLD on the Internet with kids’ best interests at heart.  Assemble an engaging, safe, and long-lasting website with true brand loyalty by getting your .KiDS domain today.

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