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Adding Custom Domain DNS TXT entry for Proton Mail Takes Website Offline
***Update: I figured this out. Cannot delete this post however.*** Hello. I am trying to set up Proton Mail with the domains I have here at Dynadot so that I can use my own domains for email addresses. I followed their directions and the email accounts work perfectly. However, the minute I add the necessary verification TXT entry to the DNS, the associated domain immediately goes offline, the server cannot be found. Supposedly, this should not happen according to Proton Mail, but I must be missing a setting that Dynadot requires so that my entire website is not knocked offline when all I want to to route my email addresses through Proton Mail. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
r_r_cleveland_us_2 replied j_j_lafayette_us
How did you fix this ? I am having the same problem, thank you for any help!
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