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Un-publish site
Is it possible to take down a website once it's been published? I clicked the publish button by mistake and would like for it to be inaccessible from the internet while it's being worked on.
teamdynadot replied r_m_oxon_hill_us
Hello, that is a great question, you can unpublished your website by going into your control panel. Select domains > manage domains> select the website you will like to unpublish then click bulk action> select dns settings> in the drop down select > Dynadot parking > park domain. You can publish your website once you’re ready. For immediate response please contact us via email or chat.
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apsolutism replied teamdynadot
Quite complicated, when creating new domain and going with default settings > there are unfriendly extra steps like: Disable email settings > to be able to disable Site Builder / Created website. Quite Unfriendly experience. Deleting the Site Builder website is also experience that should get score -1 (cant delete site that easy).
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