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  • HilfeDomainmarktAbgelaufener Schlussverkauf

    Abgelaufener Schlussverkauf

    • How do I participate in expired closeouts?

      Our Expired Closeouts are a great way to pick up domains that are about to expire. There are a few requirements to participate: You must have a Dynadot Account (creating one is free). You must not be banned from our auctions. You must have $5 in account balance, or have completed a successful order payment of at least $5 with us within the last 365 days. If you are new to Dynadot or do not have a recent order history, the easiest way for you to fulfill this requirement is by creating a prepay order. Please note that the amount of the prepay will default to $100.00, but you can adjust this manually. NOTE: In rare cases, a domain purchased during closeout will not be added. This could be due to the payment method being declined. What is a closeout? Do closeout domain fees include renewal?

    • Do closeout domain fees include renewal?

      The fixed price does not include the domain extension's renewal fee. The renewal fee will be added during checkout. What is a closeout? How do I participate in expired closeouts?

    • Was ist ein Closeout?

      These are domains that did not receive bids during the expired auction and are now being offered at a reduced price. This pricing structure is the fixed cost plus the renewal cost (applied during checkout). Diese feste Gebühr sinkt jeden Tag, an dem die Domain nicht erworben wird: Tag 1 Fixkosten: $30 Tag 2 Fixkosten: $15 Tag 3 Fixkosten: $5 Dieses Programm erfordert kein Bietsystem, und diese Domains werden nach dem Prinzip "Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst" vergeben.Um teilzunehmen, müssen Sie zunächstEin Dynadot-Konto erstellenwenn Sie es noch nicht getan haben. Wir verlangen mindestens $5 Ausgaben auf Ihrem Konto, bevor Sie teilnehmen können. Sie könnenVorausbezalung$5 auf Ihr Konto einzahlen und verwendenKontogutschriftum Ihre Schließungsbestellung zu bezahlen. BITTE BEACHTEN: Aufgrund der Natur von Closeouts sind Zahlungen ebenfalls sofort erforderlich. Andernfalls riskieren Sie, dass Closeout-Domains von jemand anderem gekauft oder storniert werden. Die Closeout-Domain hat eine 15-tägigeSchloss. Beinhalten die Gebühren für geschlossene Domains die Erneuerung? Wie nehme ich an abgelaufenen Schlussverkäufen teil?

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    Your use of this website is subject to our Terms of Use. We may process the following information about you: Google referral sources, page visits, country, IP address, domain searches and associated TLD rankings, single sign-on (Open ID), forum views, chats, account creation, order placement and form submissions. The purposes for this processing include: troubleshooting errors, abuse detection, targeted marketing, localizing data, site and usage statistics and communication with you. This is necessary for the proper provisioning of the services in this website. Your continued use of this website constitutes your implied consent for this processing.