Kreator veb sajtova

Pokrenite svoj san - veb sajt, blog ili online prodavnicu.

Naš jednostavan alat za izradu web stranica, koji ne zahteva kodiranje, omogućava vam da odmah započnete sa kreiranjem nove i jedinstvene online prisutnosti za vaše domene. Koristite naše alate za potpunu kontrolu nad dizajnom i funkcionalnošću vaše stranice tako da bude savršeno prilagođena vama i vašem brendu.

Sveobuhvatni veb alati i funkcije

website tools icon

Svi alati

Naši ugrađeni alati omogućavaju vam da se fokusirate na kreativni aspekt: dizajn i sadržaj. Postavljanje teksta i slika, prilagođavanje vizuala, podešavanje bloga i još mnogo toga su na samo nekoliko klikova od vas.
spinning gear management icon

Upravljajte svojim brendom

Ojačajte svoje prisustvo na internetu i istaknite se. Od e-trgovine i integracije društvenih medija do optimizacije za pretraživače (SEO), profesionalno dizajniran sajt će pomoći da vaš brend oživi.
smartphone icon

Kompatibilnost sa mobilnim uređajima

Naš alat za izradu web stranica razvijen je s posebnom pažnjom na optimizaciji za mobilne uređaje, tako da će vaša publika doživeti tačno onakav sajt kakav ste dizajnirali, bez obzira na platformu koju koriste.
website hosting servers icon

Hosting veb sajtova

Svi naši paketi za izradu veb sajtova uključuju besplatan hosting. Naš hosting ima vreme dostupnosti od 99,9%, što znači da će vaši veb sajtovi biti stabilni i sigurni.

Šabloni za Kreator Sajtova

Istražite naše šablone velikog uticaja

Počnite od osnove naših šablona za web stranice, a zatim koristite naše alate za prilagođavanje i personalizaciju vaše nove web stranice.
website template using beautiful mountain range header image with a clean minimal design
website template with beautiful image of a city skyline with large text welcoming users
website template showing users art pieces and image designs to build their website
website template with large header image of a line on pavement used for news and article columns
minimal website template design with a large navigation and a header image with buildings
website template with a beautiful full screen beach for hotels and resorts
website template with a large image of a beach with multiple circular images of different coastlines
website template with a narrow header image with content columns to organize text
website template with an image of a small speaker with a call to action for users to listen now
website template being used to link to the website creators various websites and social media pages
website template showing an art studio highlighting their bowl and sculpture art pieces
website template used by architects displaying a modern house design on a stylish and sleek website layout
website template using beautiful mountain range header image with a clean minimal design
website template with beautiful image of a city skyline with large text welcoming users
website template showing users art pieces and image designs to build their website
website template with large header image of a line on pavement used for news and article columns
minimal website template design with a large navigation and a header image with buildings
website template with a beautiful full screen beach for hotels and resorts
website template with a large image of a beach with multiple circular images of different coastlines
website template with a narrow header image with content columns to organize text
website template with an image of a small speaker with a call to action for users to listen now
website template being used to link to the website creators various websites and social media pages
website template showing an art studio highlighting their bowl and sculpture art pieces
website template used by architects displaying a modern house design on a stylish and sleek website layout
website template using beautiful mountain range header image with a clean minimal design
website template with beautiful image of a city skyline with large text welcoming users
website template showing users art pieces and image designs to build their website
website template with large header image of a line on pavement used for news and article columns
minimal website template design with a large navigation and a header image with buildings
website template with a beautiful full screen beach for hotels and resorts
website template with a large image of a beach with multiple circular images of different coastlines
website template with a narrow header image with content columns to organize text
website template with an image of a small speaker with a call to action for users to listen now
website template being used to link to the website creators various websites and social media pages
website template showing an art studio highlighting their bowl and sculpture art pieces
website template used by architects displaying a modern house design on a stylish and sleek website layout

Planovi prilagođeni vašim potrebama

Izaberite jedan od naših planova u nastavku da biste započeli.
Šta je uključeno:
Veb-sajt od jedne stranice
Prevuci i otpusti konstruktor
Prikažite Dynadot oglase
500 MB prostora za skladištenje
Optimizacija pretraživača
Dobijanje potencijalnih klijenata
Šta je uključeno:
Neograničen broj stranica
Prevuci i otpusti konstruktor
Bez reklama Dynadot
Neograničen prostor za skladištenje
Napredna statistika sajta
Zaštita lozinkom
Pozadine sa videom
HD video i audio
Neograničen broj saradnika
0% taksa na transakciju Dynadot
Neograničen broj proizvoda
Kalkulator poreza
Popusti na dostavu

Pitanja vezana za naš alat za izradu veb sajtova?

Da li ste sigurni da želite da zatvorite čet?Čet će biti zatvoren i istorija četa će biti obrisana.
nastavite da se odjavite
ili ostanite na četu.
Da pregledate ovu sesiju četa, molimo vasklikniteovi prozori.
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