Ver Letras Maiúsculas

Tempo restante:

5d, 18h | 03/22/2025 12:32 PM (PST)
Lance atual:    [ 22 propostas ]

Sua oferta deve ser igual ou superior a$160.

Tipo:User Auction
Licitantes ativos :5
Links de Entrada:3
Data de Início:2025-03-15 12:32   (PST)
Data de Expiração:2025-03-22 12:32   (PST)
Data de Registro:2007-04-01 14:05   (PST)
Data de Expiração:2025-04-01 14:05   (PST)
Preço de Renovação:$10.86
Outros TLDs.1
Descrição:**Unlock the Potential of vxuv.com – Your Next Big Opportunity!**

Are you ready to elevate your online presence and make a remarkable impact in your industry? Look no further than vxuv.com! This unique, catchy domain is a blank canvas just waiting for your vision to come to life.

Imagine the possibilities! With just four memorable letters, vxuv.com is easy to remember, type, and share. Whether you’re launching a tech startup, creating a trendy blog, or building an e-commerce platform, this domain is versatile enough to fit any brand or business model.

**Why vxuv.com?**

- **Memorability:** Short, snappy, and distinctive – stand out from the crowd!
- **Versatility:** Perfect for a variety of industries, from tech and fashion to health and lifestyle.
- **Branding Potential:** Build a strong brand identity around a domain that’s as unique as your ideas.
- **SEO Friendly:** A brief domain can help you craft a strong online presence that’s easy for customers to find.

Don’t miss this opportunity to own vxuv.com – a domain that has the potential to shape your business’s future! Act now to secure this exceptional name and take the first step toward digital success. Let’s make your dreams a reality with vxuv.com! 🌟
Links do Domínio
Vendido por:Private Seller
Ofertante Ativo : 5
Lances: 22
bidder 3Lance alto$155
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
bidder 5P$150
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
bidder 3$150
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
bidder 5P$145
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
bidder 3$140
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
2025-03-19 07:01(PST)
bidder 5P$135
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
bidder 3$130
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
bidder 5P$125
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
bidder 3$120
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
2025-03-19 07:00(PST)
bidder 5P$115
2025-03-19 01:06(PST)
2025-03-19 01:06(PST)
bidder 3$110
2025-03-17 06:56(PST)
2025-03-17 06:56(PST)
bidder 4$105
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
bidder 3P$100
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
bidder 4$100
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
bidder 3P$53
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
bidder 4$50
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
2025-03-16 13:19(PST)
bidder 3P$11.01
2025-03-16 00:09(PST)
2025-03-16 00:09(PST)
bidder 1P$10.01
2025-03-16 00:09(PST)
2025-03-16 00:09(PST)
bidder 3P$4
2025-03-16 00:09(PST)
2025-03-16 00:09(PST)
bidder 1P$3
2025-03-15 14:21(PST)
2025-03-15 14:21(PST)
bidder 2$2
2025-03-15 14:21(PST)
2025-03-15 14:21(PST)
bidder 1$1
2025-03-15 12:50(PST)
2025-03-15 12:50(PST)

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Para fazer um lance, você precisa um histórico com um pagamento bem-sucedido de $5 ou mais nos últimos 365 dias. Um prepagamento adiantado irá completar esse requisito.

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O licitante vencedor deve efetuar o pagamento dentro de 72 horas a partir do horário de término do leilão. Quando o domínio for transferido para a conta do licitante vencedor, o domínio permanecerá em status de bloqueio de compra por aproximadamente 30 dias.

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