
Dynadot Help

Trebate podršku za vaše Dynadot domene, veb-sajtove ili neki od naših alata? Koristite naš direktorijum pomoćnih članaka da biste pronašli potrebne resurse ili kontaktirajte naš tim za podršku kako biste dobili dodatnu pomoć.
Uspešno sačuvano! Sve svoje sačuvane članke možete pronaći u odeljku Dynadot pomoć >Sačuvani članci.
  • I have added products to my website builder, why aren't they visible on my website?

    Our product page is only available with our Website Builder's Pro plan. Wondering why your added products aren't visible on your website? We kindly request that you carefully review the possible reasons below:

    1. Products can ONLY be added on product page.
    2. It is necessary to have your website builder plan connected to Stripe or have the test order functionality enabled.
    3. Shipping zones, shipping rates and tax settings are required.
    4. Your products may be hidden. To check, you will need to open the product's settings page from your store manager's inventory tab. Then, find the "Hidden" toggle option in the "Product Options" section and uncheck it.
    5. Stock cannot be zero. Zero stock products will be automatically disabled on the product page.

    If you have double-checked all the conditions above and still haven't found the answer, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you and provide further support.

    How do I get the store manager function in my Website Builder?
    How do I add different options or variants of the same product to my Website Builder store manager?
    How do I choose what page a product will show on from within your Website Builder store manager?

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