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Trebate podršku za vaše Dynadot domene, veb-sajtove ili neki od naših alata? Koristite naš direktorijum pomoćnih članaka da biste pronašli potrebne resurse ili kontaktirajte naš tim za podršku kako biste dobili dodatnu pomoć.
Uspešno sačuvano! Sve svoje sačuvane članke možete pronaći u odeljku Dynadot pomoć >Sačuvani članci.
  • What is a Last Chance Auction?

    Dynadot's Last Chance Auction is a 7-day relist auction for domain names that have previously auctioned off at Dynadot, but did not successfully change hands due to various reasons, such as fraud or abuse. This might be your last chance to capture great domain names that have received bids in the past. Due to the nature of these names, please note that domains purchased from Last Chance Auctions will not be renewed, and will retain their original expiry date.

    If you want to bid on a Last Chance Auction domain:

    • Auctions last for 7 days, and you can bid anytime during that period. If a bid is received in the last 5 minutes of an auction, the end time will be extended by 5 minutes. There is no limit to the number of times an auction may be extended before the auction's final "end time" is set.
    • You may place a proxy bid for higher than the current minimum bid. If someone else places a bid, the system will automatically bid for you until your max proxy bid amount is reached.
    • If you are the highest bidder when the auction ends, you have 3 calendar days to pay for the auction. Once you pay, the domain is moved into your Dynadot account.
    • To bid on an auction, first create a Dynadot account if you do not have one. We require at least $5 account spending before you can participate in our Last Chance Auctions. You can prepay $5 into your account and use the account credit to pay for your first won auction, or any other purchase with us.

    Domains won in our Last Chance Auction will be placed in an "Auction Lock" status for about 15 days.

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