Precisa de suporte para seus domínios, sites ou uma de nossas ferramentas na Dynadot? Use nosso diretório de artigos de ajuda para encontrar os recursos que precisa ou contate nossa equipe de suporte para obter mais assistência.
Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down.
Check the box next to the domain name(s) you would like to set.
From the "Action" drop-down menu, choose the "Sell on Afternic" option.
You will need to either log into your Afternic account, create a new account or 'Connect with Afternic'.
You then can then set your price and click 'save.
NOTE: You will not be able to list domains registered with us until they qualify for transfer. Domains registered or transferred in the last 60 days will not qualify.
You may also notice our options have been updated:
Yes = The domain is enabled with Afternic
Needs Confirm = This domain requires you 'confirm afternic' using the steps above
No = The domain is not enabled with Afternic at this time
All = This provides a list of all domains Afternic supports
Fast Transfer TLD = all TLDs that are eligible for fast transfer
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