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  • What is an internationalized top-level domain (IDN TLD)?

    An internationalized top-level domain (IDN TLD) is a top-level domain (TLD) that uses characters other than A-Z from the English alphabet (also known as non-ASCII characters). IDN TLDs allow for characters to the right of the dot to be from the Arabic alphabet, be Chinese characters, or even simply have the proper accent marks. For example, .닷컴 is the equivalent of .COM in Korean and .संगठन is the equivalent of .ORG for Hindi speakers.

    IDN TLDs are different from Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) because they are to the right of the dot in a domain name. IDNs are to the left of the dot. Both ASCII and non-ASCII TLDs support IDNs. See a list of which TLDs support IDNs and search for one on our IDN search page.

    In addition to IDN TLDs, there are also IDN ccTLDs.

    What internationalized domain extensions in other languages do you offer?
    What is punycode?

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