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HelpAccount & Domain ManagementToolsInsta-Reg
The Insta-Reg tool is the fastest way to register domain names in bulk.To find the Insta-Reg tool, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "Insta-Reg" from the "Tools" drop-down menu. To register domain names using this tool, simply enter the names you would like to register into the search box in a comma or whitespace separated list. Make sure you have enough funds in your account to cover the registration costs by prepaying into your account. Clicking "Register Now" will near instantly register all of the domain names as long as they are available. If a domain is not available, you can add it to your watchlist and we will notify you when it becomes available. This tool will register domains in the list until your account balance becomes insufficient.The search tool has limitations that are subject to change at any time. The following TLDs are not supported by this tool at this time: .APP, .AT, .BE, .EU, .LT, .UK, and .PL. Domain registrations using this tool are on a first come first serve basis. Registrations using this tool can only be paid for with account balance to avoid payment processing delays during the bulk registration process. New accounts are unable to use this tool at this time.