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HelpAccount & Domain ManagementAccount Info & Contact Records

Account Info & Contact Records

  • How do I edit my domain contact records listed in the Whois?

    To edit your contact records, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and then click "Contact Records" in the drop-down. Click on the link associated with the contact record you wish to edit in the "Name/Email" area. You will be prompted to unlock your account. Click again on the link associated with the contact record you wish to edit in the "Name/Email" area. Edit your contact information in the provided form. Click the "Save" button to save your changes. NOTE: If you update a Whois contact record that is being used for a generic top-level domain (gTLD), such as .COM, you will receive a Whois Contact Record Verification email from [email protected] to your Whois registrant email (After you hit "Save", you will see information about whether or not this email has been sent out under the "gTLD Verification" section). You will need to click on the link in the email to verify your contact record. Failure to verify your contact record within 15 days will result in the suspension of the domains attached to that contact record (your domains will be set to parking).Once you update your contact records for your domains, it might take a few days for the public Whois directory to update.

  • How do I set my contact record for a specific domain?

    To update the contact record on a specific domain, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Check the box next to your domain name(s) and click on the "Action" button. Choose "Contacts" from the "Action" list. You will be prompted to unlock your account. Select the Registrant, Admin Contact, Technical Contact, and Billing Contact you wish to use from the drop-down menus. Click on the "Save Settings" button to save your changes.

  • Why am I getting this Whois Contact Record Verification email and what is it?

    The Whois Contact Record Verification email, along with the similar Account Info Verification email, are part of a new ICANN (the Internet Corporation of Names and Numbers) requirement. The requirement came into effect when we signed the ICANN 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). Basically, you are required to verify any Whois contact information that is attached to a generic top-level domain (gTLD), such as .COM.This email is sent out when you: create a new contact record and then select it for one or more of your gTLDs edit an existing contact record that is set to one or more of your gTLDs purchase a gTLD that will use your default contact record and it is unverified When you edit a contact record, you will be able to see if a Whois Contact Record Verification email was sent out after you hit "Save". If an email was sent out, it will say so under the "gTLD Verification" section. This is also where you can choose to resend the verification email.To see whether or not your Whois contact records are verified, please visit the "Contact Records" page from the "My Domains" drop down in your account. Here you will see a list of your contact records and their status in "gTLD Verified" column. Here are what they mean: Yes: the contact record is verified None: it is not verified and does not need to be (this could be true because the contact record is either unused by any TLDs or is being used by a non-gTLD) Verifying: the Whois Contact Record Verification email has been sent to you and you need to complete the verification. You can also see if you have any Whois verifications on your Dynadot account summary page. In this section, you can also see if you need to verify your account information via our Account Info Verification email (the second row on the example below).gTLD Whois Verification in Dynadot Account NotificationsIf you fail to verify your Whois contact record within 15 days of receiving the Whois Contact Record Verification email, you will be unable to manage them. This means you will not be able to renew or change your domain settings until the contact is verified.

  • What are Whois contact records?

    Contact records are collections of contact information created to be displayed in the public Whois directory.When you first create your account, your account information is used to create your Whois contact record. However, from then on it is separate from your account information and must be updated separately from your account information (i.e. when you update your account information, it does not affect your Whois contact record). Find out more about the difference between account information and contact records.You can edit your contact record as well as create a new contact record within your Dynadot account. You can also select a default Whois contact record to use with future domain registrations and transfers. Find out how to see which contact records your domains are using for the Whois directory.Please keep in mind that all contact records must contain accurate information as stated in our Service Agreement. Don't want your contact record information to be available in the Whois directory, no problem! Domain privacy is automatically enabled when you add a domain to your account, unless you choose to disable the settings or privacy is not allowed for that TLD.

  • How do I set my default contact records?

    Setting a default Whois contact record will ensure that any future domain registrations or transfers will automatically use that record for their Whois. To set your default contact record, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Domain Defaults" in the drop-down. Click the "Contacts" section. You can use different contact records for the following Whois info categories: Registrant, Admin contact, Technical Contact, and Billing Contact (each category lists name, address, phone, email, etc). Choose the contact records you want to use as your defaults from each category's drop-down menu. Click on the "Save" button at the top-right corner to save your changes. Note: You will need to unlock your account to edit your default contact record. Learn how to create a new contact record Learn how to edit your contact records Learn how to set your contact record for a specific domain

  • How do I create a new Whois contact record?

    Creating a new Whois contact record allows you to use different contact information for different domains. To create a new Whois contact record, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Contact Records" in the drop-down. Click on the "Create Contact Record" button. Enter your contact information in the provided form. Click on the "Create Contact" button to save your changes. Now that your contact record is created, you can set your domains to use it. You can also choose to set it as your default contact record for the future. Please note that you may need to verify your contact record once it is being used by one or more of your domains.Want to set multiple domains to use your new contact record? Find out how to set up a smart folder and then set the Whois for a smart folder. Learn how to edit your contact records Learn the difference between account info and contact records

  • What is the difference between account information and contact records?

    The difference between account information and contact records is that your account information is used only for your Dynadot account while your contact records are used for the public Whois directory. If you edit your account information, it will only affect your account. It will not alter any of your Whois contact records. Therefore, it is possible to control what kind of contact information is displayed in the Whois directory while leaving your account information intact.*Since contact records are used for the public Whois directory, if you wish to change your Whois information, you must edit your contact records instead of your account information. Changing your account information will not affect any of your contact records. Furthermore, users can create multiple contact records while each Dynadot account can have only one set of account information. So, one account can have four contact records, but only have one set of account information.The only exception to this is when you create a new Dynadot account. When you create a new Dynadot account, your account information is used to create your first contact record. However, after your account has been created, both sets of information are stored and handled differently.Please note that when you update your account information you may receive an Account Info Verification email and, similarly, when you update your contact record(s) you may receive a Whois Contact Record Verification email per ICANN requirements. All contact records must contain accurate information as stated in our Service Agreement.*If you do not want your contact record information to show in the public Whois directory, you can use our domain privacy service.

  • How do I check and choose which contact record should be viewable in the public Whois directory?

    To check which contact records your domain is using for the Whois directory, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Under the "Domains" column, click on your domain name (which should be a link). Choose the "Contacts" tab to the right of "Settings". Click on the "Unlock Account" button to unlock your account. Once your account is unlocked, you can check which contact is currently in use and choose which contact record to display on the Whois directory. Click on the "Save" button to save any changes. If you need to set more than one domain's Whois information, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Make sure to unlock your account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Check the box next to your domain name(s) and click on the "Action" button. Choose "Contacts" from the "Action" list. Use the drop-down menus to choose the correct contact record you want to use. Click on the "Save Settings" button to save your changes. Once you update your contact records for your domains, it might take a few days for the public Whois directory to update.

  • How do I edit my account information?

    To edit your Dynadot account information, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and click "Account Settings" in the drop-down. Under the "Account Info" section, click on the "Edit Info" button. You may need to unlock your account first. You can then edit your name, username, email address, phone number, mailing address, etc. You can also change your password on this page. Once you have updated your information, click on the "Save" button at the top-right corner to save your changes. NOTE: Updating your account information will not affect your Whois contact record(s). See more info about the difference between account info and contact records.

  • How do I update my Whois email address?

    You should always keep your Whois email address up-to-date as that is where important emails are often sent including domain transfer authorization emails, SSL approval emails, and more. To update your Whois email address, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Contact Records" in the drop-down. If you have multiple contact records and are not sure which one is being used by a certain domain, click the down arrow under the "In Use" column to see which domains use each contact record. Click on the link associated with the contact record you wish to edit in the "Name/Email" area. Edit your email as well as any other contact information in the provided form. Press the "Save" button to save your changes. NOTE: If you update a Whois contact record that is being used for a generic top-level domain (gTLD), such as .COM, you will receive a Whois Contact Record Verification email from [email protected] to your Whois registrant email (After you hit "Save", you will see information about whether or not this email has been sent out under the "gTLD Verification" section). You will need click on the link in the email to verify your contact record. Failure to verify your contact record within 15 days will result in the suspension of the domains attached to that contact record (your domains will be set to parking).Once you update your Whois email address, it might take some time for the emails you need to come through.

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