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HelpOrder ProcessPayment Issue
If your payment has not already completed, then you should be able to change your payment method. Depending on the status of your order, there are two ways to do this. If your order is still in "Waiting for Payment" status (and is not in payment pending status), you can change your payment method within your Dynadot account by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Find the "Open Orders" section at the top of your account "Summary" page. You can also access any open orders by going to "Pending Orders" from the notifications area along the top bar. If you are able to edit the payment method for your order, you'll see an "Edit Payment" drop-down menu that you can use to edit your payment method. Selecting "Edit Payment" will take you to the "Payment Type" page where you can choose an alternative payment method. The same payment methods that were available to you at checkout should be available here. Depending on the currency you're paying with, your options may include account balance, credit/debit card, PayPal, Skrill, Alipay, bank wire, money order, cashier's check, personal check, eCash, bank transfer, or ApplePay. If your order is in payment pending status and there is no "Edit Payment" button available, please contact our support team if you still wish to change the payment method.
Yes, you can attempt to charge your credit card up to 3 times for each order before our system will prevent you from attempting again. To try charging your credit card again, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Find the "Open Orders" section listed at the top of your acocunt "Summary" page. You can also access any open orders by going to "Pending Orders" from the notifications area along the top bar. You will see a drop-down menu under the 'Payment Type' column. Use this to edit your card info, change your payment method, or cancel your order. If you are still able to charge your credit card, you will see a "Charge Card" option. Click on the "Charge Card" button to attempt to charge your credit card again. If you do not see the "Charge Card" button, then you will need to contact us to charge your card.If your credit card is being declined, you may want to check your credit card information to see if you have accidentally mistyped one of the credit card fields. Alternatively, you may want to contact your credit card company to see if there is any reason why they are denying the charges.You can also edit your payment type to choose a different credit card to charge or select another payment method to complete your order.Discover more on Dynadot:Want to earn account credit? Join our Refer-a-Friend Program. Earn $5 for every friend you refer to Dynadot. Your friends earn $5 too!Have a website? Join our Affiliate Program. Spread the word about us and start earning.Looking for domain name deals? Check out our sales. Find a domain name for a great price.
Most likely your payment is still pending from our side. PayPal payments made through a bank account can take three to ten days to clear before your order can be processed.If you are certain that your payment has been sent to us, please forward your PayPal receipt email of the transaction so we may process your payment and order manually. About 1% of our PayPal notification emails do not reach us or are not sent. We do not know exactly why this happens, but it does happen once in a while.
When you choose PayPal, Skrill, or Alipay as your payment method, you are given a payment link after you submit your order. In order to complete your payment and, thus, have your order complete, you need to click on the link provided on the "Order Receipt" page. If you forget to do this and close the page, you can also find the payment link in your Dynadot account by following these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. You should see your open orders listed under "Open Orders" section on your "Summary" page. Select "Send Payment" from the "Edit Payment" drop-down. This will generate a PayPal, Skrill, or Alipay's pop-up where you can complete your payment.
While your credit card company can confirm the charge now, it will not appear on your bill because the charge did not go through on our end. There are a number of reasons why we may not have been able to charge your card: The address you entered for the card does not match up with the billing address of the card. The zip code does not match up. The cvv code you entered for the card does not match up. (This is the three digit code on the back of the card or the four digit code on the front of American Express cards.) Please sign in to your Dynadot account and correct your credit card information. Then try charging your card from within your Dynadot account to see if it goes through.If you wish to use a different credit card instead, you can edit your payment and enter a different credit card or even choose a completely different payment option to pay for your order.