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  • How do I enter the intended use for my .SCOT domain?

    .SCOT registrants are required to state their intended use of the registered domain name. You will be asked to fill this out on checkout, but you can also set up or change your .SCOT domain's intended use settings within your Dynadot account by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click “My Domains”, then “TLD Settings” from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "SCOT Settings" and enter in your .SCOT intended use information here.

  • What is the .QUEBEC "Intended Use" field and why do I have to enter it?

    The .QUEBEC central registry "Community Nexus" requirement that says all registrants of a .QUEBEC domain name must be an individual or a legal entity with a connection to the Québec community. This connection means that the registrant of the domain name must be able to reasonably demonstrate a link or an interest to the community at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the active registration. The link to the community can be on a linguistic, cultural, tourism, commercial, or any other basis that is conducive (and not detrimental) to the benefit of the Québec community.Registrations under the .QUEBEC top-level domain (TLD) are intended to be made by bona-fide members of the Québec community (as described above), and are subject to the further requirement that the registrant’s actions in the .QUEBEC community, as well as the registrant’s use of the registered domain name, must be: Generally accepted as legitimate; and Beneficial to the interest of the Québec community; and Commensurate with the role and importance of the registered domain name; and In good faith at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the active registration. Get instructions on how to enter the intended use for your .QUEBEC domain.

  • What is the .SCOT "Intended Use" field?

    .SCOT registrants are required to state their intended use of the registered domain name (such as: offering commercial services in Scotland, private use, promoting services to Scottish people in Australia, etc.). The "Intended Use" field will be presented to you upon checkout. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and can be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.To register a .SCOT domain, you must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the .SCOT community. This nexus means that you must be linked to the community at the time of registration and thereafter on a linguistic, cultural, tourism, or business basis, or any other activity conducive to the welfare of the worldwide Scottish community.In addition to the requirement that the .SCOT Registrant is a bona-fide member of the Scottish community, the Registrant's use of the registered domain name must be: Generally accepted as legitimate; and Beneficial to the cause and the values of the .SCOT community; and Commensurate with the role and importance of the registered domain name; and In good faith at the time of the registration and thereafter. You can also access the "Intended Use" of your .SCOT domain from your Dynadot account.

  • Is the renewal cost of a premium .TV domain higher?

    In some cases, yes. The renewal price for many Premium .TV domains will be the same as any normal .TV domain. However, the renewal fee for certain premium .TV domains will be higher. The Central Registry decides which.NOTE: Premium prices are subject to change per the Registry. This applies to registration, renewal, and transfer pricing.

  • How do I activate my new .ECO domain name(s)?

    After registering a .ECO domain name, you'll need to have the domain name activated by the central registry before it can be used. Shortly after registering your new domain you should receive an email from [email protected] with the subject line Activate [yourdomain].eco. If this email hasn't been received, you can request a new activation email by using the central registry's tool, which can be found here. This email will include an invitation to create a .ECO profile and activate your domain. When creating your .ECO profile you'll be required to take a pledge to show your commitment to the purpose and principles of .ECO, and affirm your eligibility by sharing your eco actions and commitments. These requirements apply to all .ECO domain names. Once your .ECO profile has been activated, you can begin using your .ECO domains. Failure to complete this process will leave the domain name in a "Server Hold" status until the activation is successful.

  • What are the requirements for registering a .BIO domain?

    If you are registering a .BIO domain and you are a producer, a transformer, or a retailer in the field of agriculture, food, and farming and plan to use your .BIO for a website related to organics, you have to commit to not undermining the Principles of Organic Agriculture (POA) as formulated by International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), which is a partner of the .BIO Registry. (The four POA are health, ecology, fairness, and care.) In addition, you must abide by any regulations in force in the relevant markets where organic products are presented and promoted.By purchasing your .BIO domain, you are agreeing to these requirements.If you do not plan to use your .BIO domain for an organic farming or food related website, there are no restrictions.

  • What is the .MOSCOW/.МОСКВА Whois Type?

    The central registry for .MOSCOW and .МОСКВА require additional information when registering a domain. You must enter the following information in the .MOSCOW/.МОСКВА Domain Settings section.If you are a legal entity, you must enter the following information: Full name of a legal entity including an indication to its form of incorporation according to its registration documents; taxpayer identification number (for RF residents) or similar identifier (for non-RF residents); address of a legal entity according to its registration documents; Principal State Registration Number (OGRN) for RF residents, if Registrant intends to use the domain name with a website to be registered as an electronic mass media outlet. If you are an individual, you must enter the following information: Full name, including first, middle, and last names, unless otherwise specified by the personal law or national custom; date of birth; document details, which prove the Registrant's identity, including series, number, date of issue of the document, and the name of the issuing authority; official address.

  • What is .LGBT's Acceptable Use Policy?

    Registrants of .LGBT domain names are responsible to ensure that such names are at all times registered and used in compliance with all applicable national, federal, regional, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations, including, without limitation, applicable laws relating to hate speech, discrimination, and other such activities..LGBT registrants are prohibited from using the .LGBT domain in a manner that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, or hateful with respect to the LGBT community. Domain names that are likely to deceive, disparage or cause a material detriment to the LGBT community are explicitly prohibited (e.g., ihate.lgbt, anti.lgbt, etc.).The .LGBT Registry reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration, renewal, or transfer of any registered name; or to place any registered name on registry lock, hold, or similar status, with respect to any such registered name that the Registry, upon reasonable belief formed after reasonable investigation, deems to be registered or used in a manner that constitutes a violation of the .LGBT Acceptable Use Policy.

  • Are there any requirements for .BIO if I am not using it for organic farming or food website?

    No, .BIO does not have any requirements for those who plan to use their .BIO for a personal website, biography website, biology website, or anything else. There are only requirements if you plan to use your .BIO website to represent an organic farm or food.

  • What additional information is required to register .网络 or .公司 domains?

    The central registry for .网络 and .公司, CNNIC, requires either a Chinese Organization Code Certificate Number, Chinese Individual National ID Number, or a copy of your ID or business license.

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