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  • Why does it say "needs initializing" on my .WALES domain and why am I unable to set my name servers?

    If you are trying to set your name servers for your .WALES domain and the page just keeps reloading, it may be because your domain has not yet been initialized. If you also see "needs initializing" listed under the "Quick Info" column on the "Manage" page (which can be found under the "Domains" drop-down menu), then your domain has not yet been initialized.If you are located in the UK, the most likely reason for this is an issue with your postal code. Nominet, the central registry for .WALES, requires that UK postal codes be all uppercase and have the appropriate spaces, for example, HU7 6DD. If you have not already entered your postal code this way, you should update your contact record. Then you will need to email us at [email protected] to complete the domain initialization.

  • Does the .APP domain have any restrictions?

    Yes. Although the domain does not have any restrictions on who can register it, it does have a restriction for those who want to build a website.The domain is a more secure domain. For this reason, is required for all websites. What this means is, you must have an certificate in order for your website to resolve properly in a web browser. You can purchase an certificate on our SSL page.What is SSL?

  • What restrictions does .BERLIN have?

    The .BERLIN domain requires registrants to have an economic, cultural, historical, social, or other connection to Berlin. This connection can include a contact in Berlin. This connection must be demonstrated by: The registrant's place of residence or secondary residence, seat or place of business, subsidiary or permanent establishment in Berlin, or a contact with a seat in Berlin, with an entry in the Whois database, or some other suitable proof such as a certificate provided by an employer, enrollment at a school or higher education institute, or a birth certificate. Registrants can include a person, legal entity, organization, or group of persons.You will be required to set your .BERLIN contact settings upon checkout (click on the "set whois contacts" link) or from within your Dynadot account once your registration is complete.

  • Why do I have to enter a "Registrant" for .LT domains?

    The central registry of .LT, domreg.lt, requires that a registrant is set when a domain is registered. This registrant cannot be changed later through the Dynadot control panel.Instead, you have to create a "trade order" to change the registrant. This order costs the same as registering the domain itself. However, it does change the domain expiration to one year from the trade order completion date.To perform a domain trade, first submit the trade request on the .LT registry website. Then, you need to submit an identical trade order from within your Dynadot account by following these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Click on the .LT domain you want to change the registrant for (it should be linked). Scroll down to the "LT Trade" section. You need to enter the same new name, organization, and email that you submitted to the .LT registry. Click "Create Trade" when you're done.

  • How do I use the .TEL registry's Telhosting platform?

    The central registry for .TEL offers registrants access to a free platform that allows them to enter contact information on a web page. This platform is similar to what was offered before the .TEL DNS restrictions were lifted in March 2017.If you would like to use this free Telhosting platform, it can be accessed at ManageMy.TEL. If you don't have your log in information already, you can click on the "Forgotten your password" link and enter the email address associated with your .TEL domain.

  • When should I renew my .CX domain name?

    Unlike most top-level domains (TLDs), .CX domains do not have a Renewal Grace Period. For this reason, .CX domains must be renewed at least 5 days before their expiration date.If you do not renew your .CX domain within this timeline, the domain will be removed from your Dynadot account. If this happens, you may lose the domain, or be required to pay and additional restore fee to have the domain added back.

  • What is the .RADIO "Intended Use" field?

    Any registrants that register a .RADIO domain name is required to state their intended use of their .RADIO domains. This intended use declaration is mandatory, and may be reviewed by the .RADIO Registry Operators.Some examples of valid intended use of .RADIO domains include: radio programs-related content, broadcasting livestreams, radio-related activities, radio-related events, providing or managing radio-related services or equipment, or any other activity/content that provides benefit and advancement of the .RADIO community.The included "Intended Use" of the registered domain name must be: 1. generally accepted as legitimate; and 2. conducive to welfare of the .radio community; and 3. commensurate to the role and importance of the domain, according to the judgement that an average user would reasonably make in the context of that domain name; and 4. based on good faith at registration and thereafter.Failure to state the intended use of a .RADIO domain name or including a false statement may be the basis for the suspension of the domain name upon the discretion of the registry.

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