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The central registry of .LT,, requires that a registrant is set when a domain is registered. This registrant cannot be changed later through the Dynadot control panel.Instead, you have to create a "trade order" to change the registrant. This order costs the same as registering the domain itself. However, it does change the domain expiration to one year from the trade order completion date.To perform a domain trade, first submit the trade request on the .LT registry website. Then, you need to submit an identical trade order from within your Dynadot account by following these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Click on the .LT domain you want to change the registrant for (it should be linked). Scroll down to the "LT Trade" section. You need to enter the same new name, organization, and email that you submitted to the .LT registry. Click "Create Trade" when you're done.
Transferring a .LT domain is different than most domain transfers. To transfer your .LT domain to Dynadot, please follow these steps: Ask your current registrar to push the domain to us. There is no cost to do this and no time is added to the domain. You do not need to place an order on our transfer page. Email us at and let us know your username and the domain you are transferring. Dynadot does not charge a fee for this service. Please be aware that your domain will not be renewed for 1 year, unlike domain transfers for .COM, .NET, and most other domain extensions.