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  • How do I set my .NYC contact settings?

    .NYC domains are restricted to those with a physical presence in one of New York City's 5 boroughs. You will be required to set up a contact record in New York when you register your .NYC domain. You can also set up or change your .NYC contact settings from within your Dynadot account by following these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains", then "TLD Settings" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "NYC Settings". Set your .NYC Nexus information in the provided form. If you do not have a contact record in New York, you can create one on that page as well.

  • What are the requirements to register a .NYC domain?

    .NYC domains require a physical presence in one of New York City's five boroughs. When you register a .NYC domain, you will need to create a contact record in New York. If you already have a contact record in New York, this can be selected from a drop down menu.You can later access your .NYC contact settings to edit them in your Dynadot account.The information below is from the .NYC registry and it expands on the .NYC registration requirements:The City of New York desires to have only those individuals or entities having a substantive and lawful connection to the City be permitted to register .NYC domain names ("Nexus Policy"): Registrants in .NYC must be either; a natural person whose primary place of domicile is a valid physical address in the City of New York ("Nexus Category 1"); or an entity or organization that has a physical street address in the City of New York ("Nexus Category 2"). The existence of a P.O. Box address in the City of New York shall not qualify for purposes of meeting the Nexus Policy. Registrants must agree in their Agreement with their Registrar and/or Reseller, whichever applicable, that they are in compliance with all relevant Federal, New York State and New York City laws, including the tax requirements for conducting business via the Internet. Registrants may find more information about compliance with the city tax laws at the City of New York Department of Finance's website (currently at www.nyc.gov/finance). Registrants must remain in compliance with the applicable Nexus Category for the entire period of such domain names registration by the registrant. Registrants may not license, sub-delegate or otherwise transfer .NYC domain names to third parties that otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this Nexus Policy.

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