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Where can I find my API settings?

Manage your domains with Dynadot's API! We have all the tools you need to build and use your own software and servers to search for domains, register domains, dropcatch domains, and more.

To find your API settings, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
  2. Select "Tools" from the left-side menu bar and click "API" in the drop-down.
  3. Unlock your account using the link provided.
  4. Enter your account password in the provided field and click the "Generate New Key" button.
  5. It should now say "API Enabled: Needs IP Address" above the password field.
  6. Enter the IP address(es) of the devices that will use the API in the "IP Address" section below and click the "Set IP Address" button.
  7. Enter your password above again and click "Get Key."
  8. Your API key will be listed right above the "API Key" section header.
  9. You will need to copy this key in your code.
  10. Finally, don't forget to re-lock your account!

Please note: This feature is not available to new accounts.

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