
Our Website Builder offers you easy-to-use, intuitive tools to create the website of your dreams! Best of all, the first page is completely free!
Once you're ready to show your website off to the world, all you need to do to make it accessible to others is publish it. To publish the website you created with our Website Builder, please follow these steps:
Each website builder needs to be connected with a domain name in your account.
Please note that as you make changes to your website in our Website Builder, you will need hit "publish" to make those changes live on your site. This allows you to make changes without having them immediately show up on your live website.
Also, there is no unpublish option. Please make sure you hit publish when you are ready for that to be live.
If you no longer want to use the website builder, please point the domain to the new hosting DNS records OR Park the domain. This will make the website builder no longer live.