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A gccTLD is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) that is considered generic due to its branding and usage. That's what gccTLD stands for, generic country code top-level domain. gccTLDs are seen by search engines such as Google as generic instead of country-targeted for search.
Basically, the top-level domain (TLD) is technically a ccTLD, but it is used and branded as a gTLD, so it's officially a gccTLD! An example of this would be Montenegro's .ME domain, which is branded for personal use, blog use, and it's even used by businesses such as Obviously the .ME domain is open for registration to anyone, but this alone does not give it it's gccTLD status (many ccTLDs are not restricted) - instead it's the way it is branded and used that gives it this status. And it's not alone...
Here is the full list of gccTLDs that Dynadot supports: