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HelpWebsite builderDesign/Style Editor

Design/Style Editor

  • How do I change the font, color, and size of my website's navigation in your Website Builder?

    Your navigation is located under your website title and lists and links to the other pages on your website. To change the font, size, color, and more of your website's navigation text in our Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Under the "Navigation" section of our style editor, you'll see both "Links" and "Link Active." Editing "Links" will make changes to your entire navigation, while editing "Link Active" will make changes to which ever page the user is currently on - the active page (only the color can be changed for an active link). Click on "Links" and our editor will allow you to change the text color, font, size, weight (light, normal, bold), style (normal, italic, oblique), decoration (normal, underlined), letter spacing, and allow you to easily "transform" your text into all uppercase, all lowercase, and all first letter capitalization. If you want to set your active link to another color to make it stand out, click on "Link Active" and set the color you want. With both editors, you should see your changes show as you make them. To save your changes, simply click out of the editor and then click "Save" at the top of the page. How do I add pages to my Website Builder? How do I change the name of a page on my website in your Website Builder? How do I change the order of the pages in my website's navigation on your Website Builder?

  • What are the text options for my Website Builder?

    When you create a text box in our Website Builder, a box of text options will appear above it when you click in the text box to type. Here is a key of what each option does from left to right:Undo: Undo the last thing you did within the text box. Redo: Redo the last thing you undid within the text box. Remove Format: This will remove any formatting you've added. Link Text: Use this button to add a link to your text. You can either highlight the text you want to link, then click the button or simply click on the button and enter the link you want and it will automatically add it to the text box as a full link (for example, http://www.dynadot.com). Unlink Text: Remove a link from within your text. This can only be used when your cursor is on text that has been linked. Then, to remove the link from that text, simply click the button and it will remove it. Align Text Right: This will align all of your text on the right side. You can either set this before you start typing by leaving your cursor in the line you want aligned right or simply highlight the existing text you want aligned right. Align Text Centered: This will align all of your text in the center. You can either set this before you start typing by leaving your cursor in the line you want centered or simply highlight the existing text you want to have centered. Align Text Left: This will align all of your text on the left. You can either set this before you start typing by leaving your cursor in the line you want aligned left or simply highlight the existing text you want aligned left. B for Bold: Click on the "B" button to make what you are going to type appear in bold or highlight the text you want to appear in bold and click on the "B" button. I for Italics: Click on the "I" button to make what you are going to type appear in italics or highlight the text you want to appear in italics and click on the "I" button. U for Underlined: Click on the "U" button to make what you are going to type appear underlined or highlight the text you want to appear underlined and click on the "U" button. Insert/Remove Bulleted List: Create a new bulleted list of items or remove an existing bulleted list of items. If you're creating a new bulleted list, you can either set this before you start typing by leaving your cursor in the line you want bulleted or simply highlight the existing text you want bulleted. Insert/Remove Numbered List: Create a new numbered list of items or remove an existing numbered list of items. If you're creating a new numbered list, you can either set this before you start typing by leaving your cursor in the line you want numbered or simply highlight the existing text you want numbered. Block Quote: This will put a section of your text in large quotes. The default is the paragraph your cursor is in when you click the button, but you can also include multiple paragraphs by highlighting all of the ones you want to include, then clicking the button. Decrease Indent: This button will not be able to be used unless you've already increased your indent. If you have increased the indent of your text too much, you can use this button to decrease it. Increase Indent: This will increase your text indent, moving your text over a few spaces to the right. You can either set this before you start typing or simply leave your cursor in the line you want indented and click the button to increase it. Horizontal Line: This will add a horizontal line to your cursor's current position in the text box, allowing you to visually segment your text content. Three Vertical Dots: Here you can find your header options. Type out your header, then highlight it and choose the header size you want from options 1-3 with 1 being the largest size. You may also customize the font, size, and color of your header here. Learn how to customize your content headersLearn how to adjust the font, color, size, and more of your website's content.

  • Why won't my image upload on your Website Builder?

    Our Website Builder can only accept images that are 10MB or less in size. If your image is larger than this, you have two options. One is resizing the image to be smaller in width and height, which should also mean it's smaller in size. Two is using an image compressing service, which will compress the image into a smaller size.Here are two options for compressing your images:jpegmini.com tinypng.comNext, learn how to add an image to your Website Builder.

  • How do I change the font, color, and size of my website's title and subtitle in your Website Builder?

    To change the font, size, color, and more of your website title and subtitle text in our Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Under the "Header" section of our style editor, you'll see "Header Font" and "Subline Font." Click on the one you'd like to change. The editor for the both the header title and subline allow you to change the text color, font, size, weight (light, normal, bold), style (normal, italic, oblique), letter spacing, and allow you to easily "transform" your text into all uppercase, all lowercase, and all first letter capitalization. You should see your header title and subtitle text change as you select different options, allowing you to see how everything looks. To save your changes, simply click out of the editor and then click "Save" at the top of the page.

  • How do I link text in your Website Builder?

    We've made it easy to link text within our Website Builder! To add a link to your text, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Go to the page with the text box where you want to add the link and click in the box, so your cursor is blinking. (Learn how to add a new text box if need to add a new one.) You should see a text options box pop up at the top of the text box. You can either highlight the text you want to link and then click on the link icon (4th button from the left) or simply click on the link icon and it will add the link you enter to the text box as your text. A link settings box will appear. Select the type of link you want to add: URL, Link to anchor in the text (anchors can only be added using our code editor), or E-mail. Then, select the link protocol. Most websites use either http:// or https://. Enter the link in the URL box (you should only include everything after the http:// or https:// as that is provided in the protocol section, for example, www.dynadot.com). You can also set how the new link will show for the user in the "Target" section. Click "OK" to set your link and its settings. You should see your link appear in the color you selected within your text box. Click "Save" at the top of the page to save your changes.

  • How do I change the paragraph spacing from double space to single space in your website builder?

    Our website builder automatically adds a double space when you hit the "enter" key in a text box. Having a double space between paragraphs on your website helps make it easier for users to read.If you want to make a single space instead of a double space between paragraphs, you need to hold down the "shift" key when you hit "enter." How do I change the font, color, and size of my website's content? What are the text options for your website builder? How do I add more text to my website builder?

  • How do I change the color of links on my website in your Website Builder?

    It's a good idea to make links within your content a different color, so it is easier for users to see that your text is linked. Although links are typically blue, you can make them show in any color on our Website Builder. To set your link color, please follow these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Under the "Content" section of our style editor, click on "Link." An editor will pop up allowing you to set the color of your links. You should see your changes show as you make them. These changes will apply to all links within the content of your website. To save your changes, simply click out of the editor and then click "Save" at the top of the page. Please note that this help file refers to the links within your content. There are different instructions for changing the color of your navigation links.

  • How do I set the header background image on a page in your website builder?

    Each of your pages in your website builder can have a different header background image. To set the header background image for a page, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Pages" option on the left-hand tool bar. Select the page you'd like to set the header background image on to open the page's settings. You can upload an image under the "Header Background Image" section. Click "Save" at the top of the page to save your changes. Please note that this will only set the background for that page. Once you have uploaded your header background image, there are several background image options you can set. You can also adjust how the background image appears on your page.

  • How do I remove a background or choose no background on my Website Builder?

    To remove or choose no background color or image on your Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the background you want to remove (each section has its own) in the style editor. If you are removing a background color, click on the "Trash" icon at the top-right corner of the color section. If you are removing a background image, click on the "Trash" icon at the bottom-right corner of the image thumbnail. Do this in as many sections as you need. Click "SAVE" at the top to save your changes.

  • How do I adjust the transparency of my background color on my Website Builder?

    To adjust the transparency of a background color of your Website Builder, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Website Builder" option, followed by the "Editor" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the circle next to the "Background" color you want to adjust. Select the color you want, then use the slide bar to adjust the transparency. Click "SAVE" at the top to save your changes. Learn how to change the background color of different sections of your website. You can also set the same background for your entire page or how to remove your background completely.

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